A vending machine having integrated orange juice squeezing, pouring, bottling, and media, comprising a housing (1), an opening and closing door (2), an adjustable support base (3), a material-rotation basket (4), a delivery guide apparatus (5), a juicer (6), an electric control valve (7), a filling container (8), a waste residue guide apparatus (9), a waste residue collection bucket (10), a high-pressure air pump (11), an air storage tank (12), bottles (13), a bottling receptacle (14), a bottle delivery mechanism (15), a bottle guide apparatus (16), a bottling delivery production line (17), a rotary product-output apparatus (18), a spray water pump (19), a spray control electromagnetic valve (20), a finished product goods channel (21), a spray water storage tank (22), a waste liquid recovery tank (23), a refrigeration insulation system (24), a stable voltage power source (25), a system control apparatus (26), an LED light (27), and an ultraviolet germicidal light (28). The vending machine provides the customer with the two options of purchasing freshly squeezed orange juice or final products; in the process of waiting for the purchase, the customer can watch media advertisements played on a transparent display screen, and the entire process in the vending machine from fresh oranges to squeezing, pouring, bottling, and the final delivery of the product is also visible through the display screen.L'invention concerne un distributeur automatique à pressage d'oranges, versement, embouteillage de jus et fonction multimédia intégrés, comprenant un boîtier (1), une porte d'ouverture et de fermeture (2), une base de support réglable (3), un panier à marchandises rotatif (4), un appareil de guidage de distribution (5), une centrifugeuse (6), une vanne de commande électrique (7), un récipient de remplissage (8), un appareil de guidage de déchets (9), un bac de collecte de déchets (10), une pompe à air haute pression (11), un réceptacle de stockage d'air (12), des bouteilles (1