The present invention relates to a new crystal form of Dapagliflozin of formula (I). Said crystal form has characteristic peak at 4.318 (20.45) in the X-ray diffraction pattern expressed by 2 θ. angel and interplanar spacing (d value). Said crystal form can be prepared by dissolving Dapagliflozin in a good organic solvent, then adding poor solvent and stirring to crystallization, and then filtering and drying. The new crystal form of Dapagliflozin according to the present invention has the advantages of good solubility, low hygroscopicity, high stability, and good production reproducibility.本發明涉及式(I)所示的達格列淨的新晶型,這種晶型在以2 θ角度和晶面間距(d值)表示的X-射線粉末繞射圖譜中在約4.318(20.45)處具有特徵吸收峰,可以通過將達格列淨溶解在良性有機溶劑中,再加入不良溶劑攪拌析晶,過濾,乾燥而製得。本發明的達格列淨新晶型具有以下優良特性:溶解性好,吸濕性小,穩定性高,製備可重現性好。