The invention relates to an embedded electronic system for detecting a driver's braking intention in emergency situations, using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and information from the vehicle in order to anticipate an emergency braking action. The system of the invention comprises an embedded electronic device which communicates with a vehicle via an OBD-II diagnostic port and by means of which signals are obtained from the brake pedal and the accelerator, with filters being applied to the messages present in the CAN bus communication protocol, generated by the ECU of the vehicle, in a periodic manner. According to the invention, the aforementioned device includes a microcontroller with a current supply which converts the above-mentioned signals into digital signals with TTL logic levels and a system for acquiring electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, consisting of a cap incorporating dry electrodes connected to a processor which transmits the EEG signals wirelessly via a wireless transmitter to a wireless receiver of the embedded electronic device. Both signals are transmitted to a PC via the USB port for analysis of the driver's brain signals and the vehicle signals in order to determine whether or not the driver intends to brake.La invención se refiere a un sistema electrónico embebido para la detección de intención de frenado de un conductor en situaciones de emergencia, utilizando señales de electroencefalograma (EEG) e información del vehículo para anticipar la acción de frenado de emergencia, que consta de un dispositivo electrónico embebido comunicado con un vehículo a través del puerto de diagnóstico OBD-II y mediante el cual obtiene las señales del pedal del freno y del acelerador, aplicando algunos filtros a los mensajes presentes en el protocolo de comunicación denominado bus CAN generados por la ECU del vehículo, de manera periódica y en donde dicho dispositivo integra un microcontrolador con una fuente de alimentación de corriente que convierte a di