Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Ульяновский государственный аграрный университет имени П.А. Столыпина"
Курдюмов Владимир Иванович (RU),Зыкин Евгений Сергеевич (RU),Албутов Сергей Петрович (RU)
The ridge seeder section includes suspension, ridges, gauge wheel, holders and opener. Ridge formers contain a rack, lancet paw, blade and bracket. The blade is made spherical and mounted on the inside of the wing of a lancet paw at an acute angle to the direction of movement. Behind the crest forming machines, a crest-forming machine is installed, including a composite frame, an axis and spherical disks freely mounted on it. The frame of the comb-former is configured to change the angle of installation of the side beams together with spherical disks to the direction of movement and fixation in a given position. U-shaped beams with guide bushings are installed on the frame of the comb-forming machine, under which the rods are mounted and are equipped with springs. Between the spherical disks on the axis with the possibility of free rotation mounted press drum and equipped with pointed rippers. The pointed rippers are mounted on the outer surface of the press drum along helical lines, the direction of which starts from the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the press drum and is directed to the end sides of the press drum. In the cross section, the pointed rippers have a rhombus shape and with sharp edges are directed towards the direction of movement of the comb-forming machine, and the pointed parts of the rippers are directed in different directions from the geometric axis of rotation of the packer drum. Provides improved quality of cultivation of row crops. 12 ill.Секция гребневой сеялки включает подвеску, грядиль, копирующее колесо, держатели и сошник. Гребнеобразователи содержат стойку, стрельчатую лапу, отвал и кронштейн. Отвал выполнен сферическим и установлен с внутренней стороны крыла стрельчатой лапы под острым углом к направлению движения. За гребнеобразователями установлен каток-гребнеобразователь, включающий составную раму, ось и свободно установленные на ней сферические диски. Рама катка-гребнеобразователя выполнена с возможностью изменения угла установк