Slow release Pharmaceutical formulation comprising an outer layer comprising a blend of a First Polymer Material which is susceptible to attacks by The Colonic bacteria and a Second polymeric material which has a threshold pH 5 or higher, and the Inner Layer contains a Acid soluble polymeric material policarboxilico gastrointestinal or intestinal Fluid.
Delayed release of a drug to the colon is achieved from a delayed release formulation comprising a core and a coating for the core. The core comprises a drug and the coating comprises an inner layer and an outer layer. The outer layer comprises a mixture of a first polymeric material which is susceptible to attack by colonic bacteria, and a second polymeric material which has a pH threshold at about pH 5 or above. The inner layer comprises a third polymeric material which is soluble in intestinal fluid.<;p>;LA SOLICITUD SE REFIERE A UNA FORMULACIÓ;N DE FÁ;RMACO DE LIBERACIÓ;N RETARDADA ORAL PARA SUMINISTRAR UN FÁ;RMACO AL COLÓ;N QUE COMPRENDE UN NÚ;CLEO QUE ESTÁ; RECUBIERTO POR UNA CAPA EXTERIOR, EN DONDE SE MEZCLA DOS MATERIALES POLIMÉ;RICOS Y UNA CAPA INTERIOR CON UN TERCER MATERIAL POLIMÉ;RICO; MÉ;TODO DE PREPARACIÓ;N DE LA FORMULACIÓ;N<;/p>;