Disclosed herein is an improved ant trap (20). The ant trap includes a base (30) having a central opening (32) and the opening is suitable for storing liquid. A bait trap (38) is located centrally within the central opening to maximize the number of ants in the central opening at any point in time. The ant trap, in an exemplary embodiment, includes an electromechanically operated platform (36), which is movable with respect to the central opening. In a first position the platform forms an ant path from the base to the bait trap. In a second position the platform is moved into the central opening. The central opening is filed with a liquid toxic to ants, but safe to mammals and the environment, generally. For example, a solution of sweet boric acid and water is used to fill the central opening. Upon moving, the platform is immersed in the liquid, thereby exterminating ants found thereon.