The invention relates to robots used for the medical recovery of the upper limb, namely for the recovery of the forearm flexion motion from the elbow, of pronation/supination, flexion/extension and abduction/adduction motion of the palm. According to the invention, the robots are located on a framework (1) which supports an active rotation coupling (2) and the fixed-coordinate system of the robot OXYZ, the coupling (2) having the rotation axis along the axis OY of the coordinate system, where the drive is achieved by means of a rotary motor (3), the motion qbeing performed by the rotation about the axis OY, thus the forearm flexion, a connection element (4) is positioned and fixed along the forearm up to the active rotation coupling (5) placed in the distal third of the forearm, and driven by a rotary motor (6) thereby achieving the pronation/supination motion by the motion q, namely rotation about the axis Ox, and the same rotation coupling (5) driven by the motor (9) positions the connection element (7) which supports the active rotation coupling (8) with the role of performing the adduction/abduction motion of the palm by the motion q, namely the rotation about the axis Oz, and an element (10) supports the active rotation coupling (11) which, by means of the element (13) and socket (14) and driven by the rotary motor (12), leads to the flexion/extension motion of the hand, by the motion q, namely by rotation about the axis Oz.Invenţia se referă la nişte roboţi utilizaţi pentru recuperarea medicală a membrului superior, şi anume pentru recuperarea mişcărilor de flexie a antebraţului din cot, de pronaţie/supinaţie, de flexie/extensie, şi a mişcărilor de abducţie/adducţie a palmei. Roboţii conform invenţiei sunt aşezaţi pe un batiu (1) care susţine o cuplă (2) activă de rotaţie şi sistemul fix OXYZ de coordonate al robotului, cupla (2) având axa de rotaţie de-a lungul axei OY a sistemului de coordonate, iar acţionarea se face cu ajutorul unui motor (3) rotativ, real