Implantable electroacupuncture system and method for treating parkinson's disease and essential tremor through application of stimului at or near an acupoint on the chorea line
An implantable electroacupuncture device (IEAD) treats Parkinson's disease or Essential Tremor through application of stimulation pulses applied to at least one of the acupoints on the chorea line. The IEAD includes an hermetically-sealed implantable electroacupuncture (EA) device and a conduit extending therefrom. At least one electrode is located on the outside of the housing. At least one electrode is located at an opening formed through the conduit. The housing contains a primary power source and pulse generation circuitry. A sensor wirelessly senses externally-generated operating commands, such as ON, OFF and AMPLITUDE. The pulse generation circuitry generates stimulation pulses. The stimulation pulses are applied to the specified acupoint or nerve through the electrodes in accordance with a specified stimulation regimen.