An object of the present invention is to provide care for the gripper that the grip portion can be easily replaced. State A nursing grasper 10, in which the belt member 20, and a grip portion attached to the belt member 20, multiplied by turning the belt member 20 to the four fingers other than the thumb in grip configured to be able to grip portion. The grip portion is composed of a rectangle of the belt-shaped member 30 having one end portion 30a is connected to the longitudinal edges 20c of the belt member 20, core material 40 that is held on the belt member wound around the belt-shaped member 30, the other of the belt-shaped member 30 the end portion 30b is disposed one member 31 of the first surface fastener, the other member 22 of the first surface fastener is placed on the belt member, detachably the other end portion 30b and the belt member 20 of the belt-shaped member 30 It made it possible exchange core 40 as.FIELD 1【課題】把持部を容易に交換できる介護用把持具を提供する。【解決手段】介護用把持具10は、ベルト部材20と、ベルト部材20に取付けられた把持部とを有し、ベルト部材20を親指以外の4本の指に回し掛けた状態で把持部を把持可能に構成される。把持部は、ベルト部材20の長手辺20cに一端部30aが接続された矩形の帯状部材30と、帯状部材30を巻き掛けてベルト部材に保持される心材40とからなり、帯状部材30の他端部30bには第1面ファスナーの一方の部材31が配置され、ベルト部材に第1面ファスナーの他方の部材22が配置され、帯状部材30の他端部30bとベルト部材20とを着脱可能として心材40を交換可能とした。【選択図】図1