Liquid pharmacological components include (a) a compound derived from quinine-2,4,7,8-substitutes, a Serina Protesa NS3 inhibitor of hepatitis C virus (VHC), one or more lipids, and (c) one or more underwater surfactants.
Liquid Pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound derived from a - substituted quinoline - 2,4,7,8, inhibitor of the NS3 protease of hepatitis C virus (HCV), one or more LipidAnd one or more Hydrophilic surfactants.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N DESCRIBE UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA LIQUIDA QUE COMPRENDE UN COMPUESTO DE FÓ;RMULA I O UNA SAL FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLE DEL MISMO, JUNTO CON UNO O MÁ;S IÍ;PIDOS FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES Y TENSIOACTIVOS HIDRÓ;FILOS FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE ACEPTABLES.<;/p>;