The invention relates to agricultural machinery and is aimed art providing conditions for the field germination higher rate, for reducing cost of pre seed tillage, for subsoil band-wise application of herbicides, for soil erosion reduction and for simpler design. The seed planter comprises a sowing unit (1), connected with the frame (3) of the seed planter through the parallelogram suspension. The levers (5) of the frame rest upon the two support rollers (6) arranged between row spacing frontally to the sowing unit. The hoe blade (9) and the seeding device are mounted on the frame behind the rollers with the help of the stand. The hoe blade has a cover (11) with an opening in it, suitable for installation of the herbicide spreader (12). Apart from the spreader the roller (13) is mounted on the cover for soil crushing, which runs on its pivot, connected with the journal of the levers through the tow bars (5). The pivot of the support rollers is linked to the pivot of the roller by the chain gear. Behind the hoe blade the narrow wedge opener (17) with the cheek plates (18) is mounted on the sowing unit. In the pivot zone of the opener the flat is made, while on the cheek plates the knives (20) are installed behind the opener. Through the openings in the cheek plates the pivot is put, on which the skid-form seed pressing device (22) is installed with the taper flat in the lower part. On each side of the seed pressing device the knives are mounted on the pivots; such knives are able to run on the pivot due to the slot in the end-part of the knives and the adjusting screw. The seed pressing device is spring-loaded (28).Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Задача изобретения заключается в создании условий для повышения полевой всхожести семян, их равномерного размещения вдоль ряда, снижении затрат на предпосевную культивацию, подпочвенное ленточное внесение гербицидов, эксплуатацию устройства, уменьшении эрозии и упрощении конструкции. Посевной ко