By utilizing a Mini-Primer strategy targeting the target site duplication (TSD) sequence of retrotransposons, INNUL markers, which include SINEs, LINEs, and SVAs, can be effectively used as markers for human identification and bio-ancestry studies regardless of the size of the inserted element. The size of the amplicons for INNULs and the difference between allelic states can be reduced substantially such that these markers have utility for analyzing high and low quality human DNA samples. A 15 RE marker and Amelogenin (for sex determination) multiplex for a single tube amplification of DNA, in four color detection was successfully designed. The multiplex provided power of discrimination suitable for forensic and paternity analysis. In addition, sensitivity of detection can enable human identity and bio-ancestry studies on forensic and anthropological samples. Depending on the distribution of the alleles in global populations, INNULs can be selected for human identity testing or for bio-ancestry studies.