Zeaxanthin is ingested orally at suitable dosages that gives skin a darker tint that emulates a healthy suntan and that reduces the severity of unwanted skin discoloration or irregularities. In tests involving adults, it was found that zeaxanthin dosages of 30 to about 80 mg per day were sufficient to induce a mild but noticeable tinting, shading, or darkening of skin color, comparable to a mild suntan, a substantial increase in the person's ability to withstand elevated levels of sun or UV exposure without any subsequent pain or discomfort, and without the subsequent peeling and flaking that characterizes sunburns, and an increased ability of reddened and sunburned skin to convert into intact skin that looks browned and healthily tanned. The topical application of zeaxanthin can further enhance the darkening of the skin and reduce the severity of unwanted skin discoloration or irregularities.