A system and method for the percutaneous, autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells and progenitor helper cells (PHC) from bone marrow to degenerated intervertebral discs or joints. This method is designed to be used by operating room staff in a clinical setting to isolate a mesenchymal stem cell population and PHC during the same surgical procedure as transplantation. The method can be used as a two step procedure where cells are harvested, then isolated, then reimplanted at a later time. In addition, experimental techniques are described to determine which bone marrow cells should be removed via negative selection to generate a PHC population most likely to regenerate certain tissue types in-vitro as well as which combination of fibrinogen and hyaluronic acid and which degree of gel maceration provides the best matrix for in-vitro and in-vivo regeneration of joints and intervertebral discs.