The invention relates to medicine, namely to Urology (andrology) and gynecology, and can be used in urology, gynecology, physiotherapy department and offices of hospitals, clinics, health centers, medical centers.The proposed device is a cylindrical electrode having a through central channel and plugged with gladkozakruglennym distal end. The proximal portion of the electrode tightly coupled to a current conducting dielectric tube fitting at the proximal end and the retainer, wherein the electrode and the nipple are connected by wire, located inside the tube. Part of the electrode disposed in the cavity of the air, and its length in the electrode is uniformly disposed radial holes, communicating with the central channel. There are several options for fixing the bellows to the electrode 1) bellows is hermetically fixed to the electrode is not less than 10 mm distal to the proximal end thereof 2) the proximal edge of the bellows is fixed to the distal end of the dielectric tube and the distal - to the electrode, but at a distance not less than 10 mm from the distal end of the electrode 3) bellows on both sides fixed to the electrode at a distance of at least 10 mm from its end. The device allows for rectal (vaginal) pneumomassage and electrostimulation (pnevmoelektrostimulyatsiyu) at the same time, increasing the efficiency of complex treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, hypogonadism, diseases of the rectum, bladder, pain pelvic syndrome, stress urinary incontinence in women, erectile dysfunction, sexual disorders in women, helps to improve the condition of the endometrium to the programs of assisted reproductive technologies, strengthening yshts pelvic floor.Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к урологии (андрологии) и гинекологии, и может быть использована в урологическом, гинекологическом, физиотерапевтическом отделениях и кабинетах больниц, поликлиник, санаториев, медицинских центров.Предложенное устройство выполнено в виде ц