The invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating gynecological diseases and a preparation method thereof.The traditional Chinese medicine composition comprises gentian grass, Hedyotis diffusa, Stemona, Ligusticum chuanxiong, white fresh skin, etc. which are prepared according to a certain weight ratio.It can be made into any common preparation.The traditional Chinese medicine composition of the invention has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and drying dampness. It is used for the treatment of diseases caused by damp toxin and blood stasis. The symptoms are as follows: excessive amount of the belt, yellow odor, pruritus of the vagina, burning and painful vagina, upset and thirsty, fatigue and fatigue; mucopurulent cervicitis (Chlamydia trachomatis infection) is shown above syndromes.本發明公開了一種治療婦科疾病的中藥組合物及其製備方法。該中藥組合物包含龍膽草、白花蛇舌草、百部、川芎、白鮮皮等按一定重量配比製備而成。它可以被製成任何一種常用製劑。本發明中藥組合物具有清熱解毒,活血燥濕的功效,用於濕毒瘀結所致帶下病,症見,帶下量多,色黃味臭,陰部瘙癢,或陰道灼熱而痛,心煩口渴,體倦乏力;黏液膿性宮頸炎(沙眼衣原體感染)見上述證候者。