It refers to a method for treating diseases related to mutation eight (EGFRvIII), which eliminates the epidemic growth factor, and is characterized by that it includes the management of a drug antibody combination against gangrene. The copolymer antibody includes a variable heavy chain region, including the SEQ ID amino acid sequence No. 2 and a variable light chain region, including the SEQ ID sequence No. 19.SE REFIERE A UN METODO PARA TRATAR TRASTORNOS RELACIONADOS CON MUTANTE VIII (EGFRVIII) DE ELIMINACION DE FACTOR DE CRECIMIENTO EPIDERMICO, QUE SE CARACTERIZA PORQUE COMPRENDE ADMINISTRAR UN CONJUGADO DE ANTICUERPO FARMACO ANTI-EGFRVIII. DICHO ANTICUERPO DEL CONJUGADO COMPRENDE UNA REGION VARIABLE DE CADENA PESADA QUE COMPRENDE LA SECUENCIA DE AMINOACIDOS DE SEQ ID NO 2 Y UNA REGION VARIABLE DE CADENA LIGERA QUE COMPRENDE LA SECUENCIA DE AMINOACIDO SEQ ID NO 19.