1. A system (5) medical imaging, comprising: one or more processors programmed so as to: receive (60) the first image (10), the contrast between tissue regions with different probability of accumulation of radioactive tracer generating (64) a map (20) restrictions based on tissue sections with different probability of accumulation of the tracer irekonstruirovat (70) a second image (44) from the measured tracer redistribution based on the map (20) received by the limitations and input data (23) of the image registered in the restriction map and a device (36) display, which displays the reconstructed second izobrazhenie.2. The system (5) medical imaging according to claim. 1, wherein the map (20) restrictions include the redistribution function of voxels in subordinate areas tkani.3 restrictions. System (5) medical imaging of claim. 1 or 2, wherein the first image (10) highlights contrast tkan.4 fat. System (5) medical imaging of claim. 1 or 2, wherein the first image (10) is received from at least one of a magnetic resonance (MR) scanner, X-ray computer tomography (CT) scanner iatlasa iiskhodnye data for constructing images obtained from one of a positron emission tomography (PET) iodnofotonnoy emission computed tomography (SPECT) .5. System (5) medical imaging of claim. 1 or 2, wherein the processor is further programmed to: compare the contrasting isolated areas of tissue with an anatomical atlas, modify the card restrictions, so that it included Contrast Highlight1. Система (5) медицинской визуализации, содержащая:один или более процессоров, запрограммированных так, чтобы:принимать (60) первое изображение (10), контрастно выделяющее участки ткани с различной вероятностью накопления радиоактивного индикаторагенерировать (64) карту (20) ограничений на основании участков ткани с различной вероятностью накопления радиоактивного индикатора иреконструировать (70) второе изображение (44) с перераспределением измеренного радиоактивного индикатора на основании карты (20) о