Anurova Anna Evgenevna (RU),Анурова Анна Евгеньевна (RU),Kosyreva Tamara Fedorovna (RU),Косырева Тамара Фёдоровна (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, particularly to therapeutic dentistry and prevention of dental diseases, and aims at diagnosing the intensity of various forms of caries in patients of different age groups and planning further treatment. Universal caries intensity index (UCII) is calculated by calculating the formula UCII=∑CSR/x, where: C is the number of temporary and permanent teeth with caries, including those with initial forms (caries in stain); S is number of temporary and permanent sealed teeth; R – number of temporary and permanent teeth removed as a result of complicated caries; x is the number of teeth to be present in the patient of the given age minus the teeth absent due to primary partial adentia and/or physiological change, which is determined by the formula x=∑t.a.g.-∑t.p.a.-∑t.p.c., where: t.a.g. – number of teeth in given age group; t.p.a. – number of teeth with primary adentia; t.p.c. is number of teeth at stage of physiological change. Caries intensity (UCII) level is evaluated by the following criteria for all age groups: ≤0.14 – low; 0.15–0.30 – average; 0.31–0.60 – high; ≥0.61 – very high. Depending on the derived value of the UCII, certain medical measures are performed.EFFECT: method enables determining a caries intensity level regardless of the patient's age, taking into account the further planning of the caries treatment and prevention.1 cl, 5 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, в частности к терапевтической стоматологии и профилактике стоматологических заболеваний, и предназначено для диагностики интенсивности различных форм кариеса у пациентов разных возрастных групп и планирования дальнейшего лечения. Определяют универсальный индекс интенсивности кариеса (УИИК) производя расчет по формуле УИИК=∑КПУ/х, где: К - количество временных и постоянных зубов с кариесом, в том числе и с начальными формами (кариес в стадии пятна); П - количество временных и постоянных запломбированных зубов; У - количество временны