Systems and methods for providing a line-scanning laser ophthalmoscope (LSLO)are disclosed. The LSLO uses a substantially point source of light, such as aninfrared laser or a super-luminescent diode. The point source is expanded to aline. The LSLO scans the line of light in a direction perpendicular to theline across a region of an eye having an undilated pupil. The reflected lightis received confocally, using monostatic beam geometry. A beam separator, suchas a turning prism or mirror, diverts one of the incoming light and thereflected light to separate the light. An optical stop prevents non-confocallyreceived light from reaching a one-dimensional detector, such as a linear CCDarray. An electrical signal responsive to the output light at each of aplurality of locations along the line of output light is processed to provideimages of the scanned portion of the eye.