1. Block implant for reconstruction of defective bone part, comprising a carrying part of a biocompatible with the bone tissue material and a cavity adapted to receive a biomaterial, characterized in that it is configured as a set capable of deformation and intertwining with each other to form a single screen in the proposed reconstruction the spatial structure of porous volume elements of at least odnogo.2. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 1, characterized in that it is made of titana.3 element. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 1, characterized in that it is designed as a element spirali.4. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 1, characterized in that its element is a bulk pautinki.5. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 1, characterized in that it is an element configured to deformatsii.6 plastic. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 1, characterized in that its member is elastic deformatsii.7. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 3, characterized in that its member is a cylindrical spirali.8. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 3, characterized in that its member is a conical spirali.9. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 3, characterized in that its member is a barrel spirali.10. Block implant for reconstruction of the defect bone part of claim. 3, characterized in that its element is a helix with torus obrazuyuschey.11. implant unit for re1. Блок имплантата для реконструкции дефектной части кости, включающий несущую часть из биосовместимого с костной тканью материала и полость, предназначенную для размещения биоматериала, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен в виде набора способных к деформации и сплетения между собой с образованием единой в объеме планируемой реконструкции пространственной конструкции ячеистых объемны