The present invention provides a method for preparing a genotype F mumps attenuated live vaccine. A mumps attenuated strain MHM-19 is inoculated to a human embryo lung diploid cell MHL-3 that is cultured to a monolayer, virus is released through the frozen-thawed cell in the peak of viral multiplication, cell debris is centrifuged and removed, a protective agent is added to a centrifuged virus suspension to obtain a semi-finished product of the vaccine, and the semi-finished product is frozen and dried to obtain the finished product of the genotype F mumps attenuated live vaccine. After the MHM-19 attenuated live vaccine prepared by the method of the present invention is injected into a rhesus monkey for immunizing, good humoral immunity is induced to be produced, and the detection results obtained at different time after immunization show that the MHM-19 attenuated live vaccine has immunizing potency superior to that of a reference mumps vaccine S79 in addition, the safety experiment shows that the rhesus monkey does not suffer from any parotitis-related symptom after being injected with the MHM-19 attenuated live vaccine, and the pathological tissue has no obvious difference from that of S79 strain by observing, so that the MHM-19 vaccine has high safety.La présente invention concerne un procédé de préparation dun vaccin vivant atténué contre les oreillons de génotype F. Une souche atténuée des oreillons MHM-19 est inoculée à une cellule diploïde de poumon dembryon humain MHL-3 qui est cultivée en une monocouche, le virus est libéré par la cellule congelée-décongelée dans le pic de multiplication virale, les débris cellulaires sont centrifugés et éliminés, un agent protecteur est ajouté à une suspension de virus centrifugé pour obtenir un produit semi-fini du vaccin, et le produit semi-fini est congelé et séché pour obtenir le produit fini du vaccin vivant atténué contre les oreillons de génotype F. Une fois que le vaccin vivant atténué MHM-19 préparé par le procé