Mulcher, preferentially as a tractor or other working machine or vehicle attachment, to which a known three-point assembly (1) is executed to be mounted on a standard tractor three-point linkage, where a rotor (2) is installed in the housing (1), driven by a gear (3) attached to the vehicle power take-off. The characteristic of the invention is in that the rotor (2) is executed as a shaft (5), where on its perimeter, pairs of ears (6) are made so that their bores (7) are aligned parallel to the rotor (2)axis and that the pairs of ears (6) are distributed on the rotors (2) perimeter along two virtual sinusoids located diametrically to the shaft (5), the axes of the former being aligned coaxially with the shafts (5) axis, where in each pair of ears (6), a chopper (7) is pivotably bearing-mounted, executed of part (8) and part (11) which is bent for the right angle approximately, while the edge (12) lying parallel or nearly parallel with the bores (9) or shafts (5) axis is executed as a sharp blade edgefor cutting or chopping of grass.Mulčar, prednostno kot priključek na traktorju ali drugem delovnem stroju oziroma vozilu, na katerem je izveden znan tritočkovni sklop (1) za namestitev na traktorsko standardno tritočkovno priključno mesto, pri čemer je v ohišju (1) nameščen rotor (2), ki je gnan preko gonila (3), ki je priključeno na odgon na vozilu. Značilnost izuma je, da je rotor (2) je izveden kot gred (5), pri čemer so na njegovem obodu izvedeni pari ušes (6) tako, da potekajo njihove izvrtine (7) vzporedno z osjo rotorja (2) in da so pari ušes (6) razporejeni po obodu rotorja (2) po dveh, glede na gred (5) diametralno ležečih navideznih sinusoidah, katerih osi ležita koaksialno z osjo gredi (5), pri čemer je v vsakem paru ušes (6) je zasukljivo uležajeno sekalo (7), ki je izvedeno iz dela (8) in dela (11), ki je zapognjen za približno pravi kot, pri čemer je rob (12), ki teče vzporedno ali približno vzporedno z osjo izvrtine (9) oziroma gredi (5), izveden kot oste