Useful crop, for example, plant unwanted in cereals and rice, for example (broad-leaved weeds and grass) weeds, the present invention, the herbicidal active ingredient is preferably suitable for the selective control of the ACC-ase resistant weeds, and ALS-resistant weeds, especially a composition having a synergistic effect novel comprising a combination of.本発明は、有用作物、例えば稲及び穀類における不所望な植物、例えば雑草(草及び広葉雑草)、特にALS耐性雑草及びACCアーゼ耐性雑草、の選択的制御に好ましくは適している除草用活性成分の組み合わせを含んで成る新規な相乗効果を有する組成物に関する。