1. A process for the production of thick cream 25% fat derived from recombined milk, wherein the skimmed milk with a pump 1 is fed into the heat exchanger 2, where it is heated to 45 ° -48 ° C, is sent to bactofugeur 3, further using 4 is supplied in pump microfiltration unit 5, where filters are used ceramic ISOFLUX 6,9-8,9 , which is 1.1-1.6 md bandwidth., at a temperature of 48 ° -53 ° C, the filtrate is sent to the pasteurizer 6 wherein at 56,5 ° -58,5 ° C contains up until the probe alkaline fosfatozy not become negative, it is cooled in heat exchanger 7 to a temperature of 4,0 ° -6,0 ° C and stored in intermediate tanks for further manufacturing process filters used performance 5000-20000 dm / h, concentrate throughput 100-1000 dm / h and the permeate flow rate dm 19000-19900 / h, operating temperature of 25 ° -52 ° C, ceramic filters, which are bandwidth 1,1- 1.6 md., filtration area of 25-52 m, the amount of conc. 2-4, the number of filters 10-16.2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that water is used in the purification method using a reversible osmosis spiral 6,9-8,9 , the number of filters 10-16, the filter area 565-1500 m 2-6 membrane trub.3 . A method according to claim 2, characterized in that a stirred mixture of the filtrate water is added and the thick skim milk and skim milk stabilizer for connecting and dehydrated milk fat dry milk substances at a temperature of 35 ° -60 ° C, warmed to 78 ° -85 ° C, then treated with ultra-high temperature of 140 ° -150 ° C with 2-4 aseptically homogenized 195-210 kp / smpri temperature of 68 ° -74 ° C, cooled to 58 ° -62 ° C, aseptically dispensed, cooled to 4 °1. Способ производства густой сметаны 25%-ной жирности, полученной из рекомбинированного молока, отличающийся тем, что обезжиренное молоко при помощи насоса 1 подается в теплообменник 2, где подогревается до 45°-48°C, направляется в бактофугу 3, далее при помощи насоса 4 подается в микрофильтрационный блок 5, где применяются керамические фи