PURPOSE: Functional food is provided to facilitate an intake by mixing Bombycis corpus and red ginseng having an efficacy on hypertension, diabetes, and kidney disease with extracted or dried Sambung Nyawa in a proper ratio or fermenting in a non-mixing type. CONSTITUTION: 10-30 weight% of Bombycis corpus, 10-30 weight% of red ginseng, and 30-80 weight% of Sambung Nyawa are added in an extractor. Nutrients are extracted by heating a mixture at 70-90 degree Celsius over 4 hours. An extract is cooled to less than 40°;C. A cooled extract is fermented by inoculation with fermenting seed fungi. A fermentation product is kneaded with cereal powder or medical herbs powder.본 발명은 당뇨 및 고혈압, 신장질환 예방 및 경감 효능을 지닌 백강잠과 뽕잎, 천화분, 홍삼, 맥문동, 삼붕냐와를 적정비율로 혼합하거나 어느 하나를 분쇄한 분말을 발효하거나 영양소를 추출한 추출물을 발효한 것으로써, 더욱 상세하게는 환, 과립, 분말, 빵, 떡, 음료, 과자, 드링크제 등의 식품으로 제조되어 건강증진에 기여함을 특징으로 한다.