A heat-resistant RFID device is provided with a heat-resistant container including a first space and a cover two heat-resistant first receptacles in the first space, each heat-resistant first receptacle including a cavity facing the cavity of the other heat-resistant first receptacle and a heat-resistant second receptacle in the cavities and including an open second space, an RFID tag in the second space, and a heat-resistant adhesive filled in the second space and covered the RFID tag to fasten the RFID tag in the second space.本創作係公開一種多層化隔熱通訊結構總成,其包含一盒體,該盒體內部係設有一容置空間;一斷熱部,該斷熱部係設於容置空間內,且該斷熱部內係設有一放置空間;一陶瓷部,該陶瓷部係設於放置空間內,而該陶瓷部內係設有中空部,該中空部內係設有無線射頻條碼裝置(RFID),並於該無線射頻條碼裝置(RFID)外層包覆有可承受高溫的耐熱膠;藉此,本創作係透過盒體及斷熱部將陶瓷部層層包覆的特點,達到斷熱的效果,特別適用於高溫的作業環境使用。100‧‧‧盒體110‧‧‧容置空間200‧‧‧斷熱部210‧‧‧放置空間300‧‧‧陶瓷部