DURSINOVIC, JOVAN,&DstrokURA&ScaronINOVI&Cacute, Jovan
Invention herewith described refers to the natural silk made from the sunflower fibres which are in the first phase obtained by soaking the sunflower stalks with a continuous effecting of the warm water of the temperature around 35°C on the woody part of the sunflower stalk, for a continuous period of 72 hours. During this period the pectic substances (vegetable glue) dissolve and the scutch (woody part of the plant) separates from the fibres. In the second stage, there is performed the extraction of so obtained fibres from the scutch and their use as textile fibres for making silk yarn.The textile fibres from the sunflower stalk are vegetable protein fibres that can be used as the raw material for making silk clothing fabric (for the summer and work clothes), for producing silk fabrics for households, and decorative fabrics (luxurious materials of a wide range of colours, patterns and weaving) for furniture upholstery, draperies, curtains, coverlets and carpets. These fibres can also be used for the production of technical textiles and composite materials (building materials, pressed panels, insulating panels), thus meeting the actual environmental requirements.These fibres are used for making the special pulp used in paper making, and in medicine for making surgical thread.Prirodna svila od vlakna suncokreta koja su dobijena postupkom prema pronalasku, u kojem se u prvoj fazi vrši natapanje suncokretove stabljike kontinuiranim delovanjem tople vode temperature oko 35°S na drvenasti deo suncokretove stabljike, u neprekidnom trajanju 72 časa. U tom periodu vrši se otapanje pektinske supstance (biljno lepilo) i dolazi do razdvajanja pozdera (drvenasti deo biljke) od vlakna. U drugoj fazi se vrši izdvajanje tako dobijenih vlakana iz pozdera i njihova upotreba kao tekstilnih vlakana za izradu svilene pređe.Tekstilna vlakna iz stabljike suncokreta su biljna proteinska vlakna koja se mogu koristiti kao sirovina za izradu svilenih odevnih tkanina (za letnju i radnu odeću)