Yi Seed Ya Off use Zhang mouthfuls of branch Brace components, it is the Layer Stacked external members for having occlusion Hou that can slide Move in the Inter Let of upper facing With lower shells The Layer Stacked external members include the Layer Stacked Block that lower phase Stacked Knot are closed on Number Ge, the low faces Top of high Hou before the top Layer Stacked Block form one, a bottom surface is formed in bottom Layer Stacked Block, Agencies is closed in the Two Layer Stacked Block Inter Fen Do Xing Cheng mono- Knot of phase O up and down and makesWhen sufferers put on, lower shell Hou can the Number amounts closed of Election Select Layer Stacked Block Knot the mode of the Inter of lower shell in saturating Over Will The Layer Stacked external members cunning Move push-in, the oral cavities Training Practice Inner muscle, which is kept away, exempts from Fiber Victoriaization, and the effect of easy Carrying Tapes of Da to Body Plot little Rong, use and Training Practice Jin steps, which are easy Over Layer Stacked Block Knot conjunctions Number amounts Evaluation, which to be estimated, can swash the strong effects of Reed sufferers Complex.一種牙關使用張口支撐部件,是在上牙套與下牙套之間設有咬合後可滑動的層疊套件,該層疊套件包括數個上下相疊結合的層疊塊,在最上方的層疊塊形成一前高後低的頂面,在最下方的層疊塊形成一底面,在上下相鄰的兩層疊塊之間分別形成一結合構造;當病患配戴上、下牙套後,可選擇層疊塊結合的數量,透過將該層疊套件滑動推入上下牙套之間的方式,訓練口腔內肌肉避免纖維化,達到體積小容易攜帶、使用以及訓練進步的效果容易透過層疊塊結合數量評估能激勵病患復健的功效。10‧‧‧上牙套11‧‧‧上牙套本體12‧‧‧上牙槽13‧‧‧第一平面20‧‧‧下牙套21‧‧‧下牙套本體22‧‧‧下牙槽23‧‧‧第二平面30‧‧‧層疊套件311‧‧‧頂面332‧‧‧底面A‧‧‧階級齒B‧‧‧結合構造