Apparatus, including a handle and a first conductivetube that is attached to and extends from the handle. Thetube is biocompatible, and a tube distal end isconfigured to be inserted into an orifice of a humanbeing for a medical procedure. The apparatus includes asecond conductive tube, that is attached to and isenclosed by the first conductive tube. The two tubestogether act as an antenna for electromagnetic radiation.An insulated conductive coil is fashioned around and isfixed to the second conductive tube, and the coilgenerates a signal in response to a magnetic fieldtraversing the coil. The apparatus also includes atransceiver that receives the signal from the insulatedconductive coil, and in response generates aradiofrequency signal at a preset frequency and conveysthe radiofrequency signal to the second conductive tubefor radiation therefrom as electromagnetic energy at thepreset frequency.