The aim of the present invention lies in increasing the level of confidence of a consumer with regard to merchandise and also in enabling the consumer to select the merchandise with peace of mind. The merchandise is provided with a foodstuff (1) and a body (5) encapsulating a material involved in production, which encapsulates, separately from the foodstuff, a material (4) involved in production which was involved in the production of the foodstuff (1) or of the starting material of the foodstuff (1). The body (5) encapsulating a material involved in production is provided together with the foodstuff (1).本發明係提供可增大消費者對商品之信用度,並且消費者可安心地選擇商品。具備食品(1)、以及與食品分別密封之參與食品(1)或食品(1)原料生產之生產參與物(4)之生產參與物密封體(5)。生產參與物密封體(5)係與食品(1)一起提供。1‧‧‧食品2‧‧‧容器3‧‧‧收納凹部4‧‧‧生產參與物5‧‧‧生產參與物密封體6‧‧‧包裝紙12‧‧‧藥品