The present Invention relates to a flexible Mesh morfoanatÓmica (1) intended to be introduced in a vaginal or rectal Cavity (40, 50) of a human being or animalIt is provided with means (4) extraction of the vaginal or rectal Cavity.(40, 50), the Mesh (1) having a proximal end that corresponds to the part of the Mesh (1) First enters into contact with the Cavity (40,50) and a distal end which corresponds to the portion of the Mesh (1) finally gets into the Cavity (40, 50) and the Mesh (1) comprises two Plates (16,17) that overlap at least partially defining a SUPERPOSICIÓN Area, in which the first layer and second layer (16,17) is set to between them by means of at least two Stop Elements (11, 12, 13), which define at least one Bag (10) inside the area to contain a substance SUPERPOSICIÓN (60)And where the Mesh (1) further comprises at least a locking element (20) to retain an Applicator (30) in a substantially fixed position with respect to the Mesh (1),Taking the locking element (20) of at least one side Block (22) which is perpendicular to the direction of insertion of the Mesh (1) in the vaginal or rectal (40, 50)Preferably Said Side Block (22) is located below the nozzle of the Bag (10), so that part of the Mesh to fold on the nozzle of the bag to close it completely.The present Invention also relates to the use of the Mesh (1) for the retention of Body Fluids of these cavities or for the supply of a substance such as a Microbicide Gel (e.g.For example, HIV Microbicide or PROBIÓTICO), or both.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UNA MALLA FLEXIBLE MORFOANATÓ;MICA (1) DESTINADA A INTRODUCIRSE EN UNA CAVIDAD VAGINAL O RECTAL (40, 50) DE UN SER HUMANO O ANIMAL, QUE ESTÁ; PROVISTA DE MEDIOS DE EXTRACCIÓ;N (4) DE DICHA CAVIDAD VAGINAL O RECTAL. (40, 50), TENIENDO DICHA MALLA (1) UN EXTREMO PROXIMAL QUE CORRESPONDE A LA PARTE DE LA MALLA (1) QUE PRIMERO ENTRA EN CONTACTO CON DICHA CAVIDAD (40, 50) Y UN EXTREMO DISTAL QUE CORRESPONDE A L