For example, the U.S. Patent Office provides an M amp; eacute; all materials for amniotic membrane transplantation, as amp; Iacute; such as S amp transplantation; Iacute; itself. In specific morphology, tissue transplantation includes a single layer of amniotic membrane (a cord and an AMP); oacute; umbilical cord; / P gt;<;p>;LA INVENCIÓ;N PROPORCIONA UN MÉ;TODO PARA PREPARAR INJERTOS DE TEJIDO DE AMNIOS, ASÍ; COMO LOS INJERTOS EN SÍ; MISMOS. EN MODALIDADES ESPECÍ;FICAS, EL INJERTO DE TEJIDO COMPRENDE UNA SOLA CAPA DE AMNIOS SECOS DE UN CORDÓ;N UMBILICAL.<;/p>;