The present invention relates to a process for manufacturing an animal protein hydrolyzate by the steps of (a) subjecting the raw material to the pasteurization process using a controlled temperature and velocity screw system; (b) perform enzymatic digestion in ratios of 1.5: 3,000 to 3,0: 3,000 (enzyme: raw material); (c) filtering the mixture resulting from enzymatic digestion; (d) correcting the pH of the broth by the addition of acid and incorporation of a defoaming agent; (e) performing an initial centrifugation for liquid and solid phase separation, followed by aeration flotation and / or second centrifugation after solid phase disposal; (f) effect the broth concentration at controlled temperature, vacuum and ° brix; (g) perform acid hydrolysis with the addition of hydrochloric acid (hcl), neutralizing with potassium hydroxide (koh); (h) cooling the protein hydrolyzate, optionally by correcting the ° brix with the potassium chloride (kcl) that was generated internally by the process itself and (i) processing and mixing the protein hydrolyzate. In addition, the current patent application also concerns the animal protein hydrolyzate (hpa) obtained by the process of the present invention and its uses and / or applications in the food industry, such as seasonings, seasonings and / or meat flavorings. particularly in the manufacture of meat products.a presente invenção refere-se a um processo de fabricação de um hidrolisado proteico animal através das etapas de (a) submeter à matéria-prima ao processo de pasteurização, utilizando um sistema de rosca com temperatura e velocidades controladas; (b) efetuar uma digestão enzimática com proporções de 1,5:3.000 a 3,0:3.000 (enzima:matéria-prima); (c) realizar filtragem da mistura resultante da digestão enzimática; (d) corrigir o ph do caldo mediante a adição de ácido e incorporação de um agente antiespumante; (e) executar uma centrifugação inicial, para separação da fase líquida e sólida, seguida de flotação com aeração e