The shovel includes a blade section with lateral and rear sides with edges folded upwards, where the base is at an angle of inclination from approximately the centre of the base towards the shaft of the shovel. The front edge of the blade section reaches outwards at the same level with front part of the base of the blade section, is rectilinear and has rounded corners, while the top edge of lateral sides folded upwards is also at an angle towards the rear edge of the blade section. The joint connecting the blade section and shaft reaches approximately to the centre of the blade section, while reinforcement ribs reach diagonally from the joint to the corners in the front edge of the blade section.Kühvellabidas sisaldab üles käänatud külgmiste äärte ja tagumise äärega labaosa, mille põhi on ligikaudu põhja keskosast kühvellabida varre poole kaldu. Labaosa esiserv on eendunud samas tasapinnas labaosa põhja esiosast, esiserv on sirgjooneline ja otstest kumerdatud nurkadega, kusjuures üleskäänatud külgmiste äärte ülemine serv on kaldu ka labaosa tagumise ääre suunas. Labaosa ja vart ühendav ühendusosa ulatub ligikaudu labaosa keskosani, kusjuures ühendusosa küljest eenduvad diagonaalselt labaosa esiserva nurkadesse tugevdusribid.