Transdermal ostomy implant for implantation into the abdominal wall of the patient: a connecting member for mounting to said connecting member external removable device, the connecting member tubular in the first extending from said connecting member Growth square member A tubular member ingrowth and the second, extends from the connecting member, is a space from the tubular member ingrowth of said first radially outward, tubular ingrowth second I include member. And have been adapted to form a fistula by accepting the tubular ingrowth member within said first intestinal area, and serosal tissue of the intestinal area, tubular ingrowth member wherein the first, said one I can enter the tubular member of ingrowth. Tubular ingrowth member of said second, is adapted to be adjacent to the dermal tissue, as a result, obtained, thereby the said ostomy implant dermal tissue enters the tubular ingrowth member of said second I can be sealed and lashing in the dermis.患者の腹壁の中への移植のための経皮オストミーインプラントは:接続部材であって、外部取り外し可能デバイスを該接続部材に搭載するための、接続部材;該接続部材から延びる第一の管状内方成長部材;および第二の管状内方成長部材であって、該接続部材から延び、半径方向外向きに該第一の管状内方成長部材からスペースをあけられる、第二の管状内方成長部材;を含む。該第一の管状内方成長部材は、腸区域を該第一の管状内方成長部材内に受け入れることにより瘻を形成するように適合されていて、該腸区域の漿膜組織が、該第一の管状内方成長部材に進入し得る。該第二の管状内方成長部材は、真皮組織に隣接するように適合され、その結果として、真皮組織が該第二の管状内方成長部材に進入し得、それにより、該オストミーインプラントを該真皮に固縛および密閉し得る。