An apparatus adapted to optimize the dosage regimen of insulin for a patient over time, comprising: at least a first computer readable memory adapted to store data entries corresponding to at least one component of a current insulin dosing regimen for the patient and the patient's blood glucose measurements determined on a plurality of occasions; a processor operatively connected to the first computer readable memory, the processor being programmed to at least determine from the data entries corresponding to the blood glucose measurements of the patient determined on a plurality of occasions if it should be varied and in what measure at least one of the components of the current dosage regimen of insulin for the patient, in order to keep within a predefined interval the future measurements of the patient's blood glucose level; wherein the processor further determines, from the measurements of the patient's blood glucose level, whether the blood glucose measurements of the patient represent a normal or abnormal distribution; wherein determining whether the patient's blood glucose level measurements represent a normal or abnormal distribution comprises determining whether the third moment of the distribution of the patient's blood glucose measurements falls within a predefined range between -xyx, where x is a predefined limit and where there is a normal distribution in case the third moment falls within the range of -xyx; where, in case of an abnormal distribution, the prolonged-acting insulin regimen for the patient is corrected and, in the case of a normal distribution, no action is taken to update the insulin dosing regimen for the patient; and a display capable of displaying information corresponding to the current dosage regimen of insulin for the patient.Un aparato adaptado para optimizar a lo largo del tiempo el régimen posológico de insulina para un paciente, que comprende: al menos una primera memoria legible por ordenador adaptada para almacenar entradas de