ПРИСТРІЙ ДЛЯ ВИКОНАННЯ ЛАПАРОЛІФТИНГОВИХ ЛАПАРОСКОПІЧНИХ ВТРУЧАНЬ ЗА ЗАПОРОЖЧЕНКОМ Б.С. І КОЛОДІЄМ В.В[Устройство для выполнения лапаролифтинговых лапароскопических вмешательств по запорожченко б.с. и колодию в.в
The invention relates to medicine, such as surgery, and can be used in laparoscopic surgery, including - with concomitant cardiopulmonary disease.The invention is based on the task of the development of a device for use laparolifting laparoscopic interventions, in which endolift made as a cross, consists of two parts connected to each other, which translates into cylindrical shape to enter the abdominal cavity and through which traction and evacuation ligatures are passed, in addition, it has a metal frame to move the device horizontally across the length and width of the operating table and telescopic rack to adjust the frame in a vertical plane that will perform any laparolifting laparoscopic interventions, reduce trauma when using the device; allows to use a construction without imposing pneumoperitoneum in asthenic patients and maintenance- in patients with excess body weight, shorten the operation by increasing the degree of freedom at in vitro manipulations, especially in patients with disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and facilitates adequate exposure in elderly patients.The problem is solved by the fact that, according to the invention, a device for performing laparoscopic surgery has laparolifting endolift 1, which consists of two arms 2, 3, which are connected by the center connecting device 4 with a hole through which traction ligature 5 is passed for lifting during surgery, while endolift has the shape of the cross to enter into the abdominal cavity can be transformed into cylindrical shape by rotation of interlifted two shoulders, bottom 2 has U-shaped form, and the top 3 - cut in half cylinder while at one end of both shoulders of endolift openings for evacuation ligatures 6 to remove the device from the abdominal cavity, and for laparolift ligature 5 fixed to the rigid metal frame 7, which is attached to the screw 8 mounted on the end of his finger rotation 9 hole through which during operation traction ligature is fixed, in add