A portable apparatus 10, comprising a plurality of components which will deterintrudersfrom homes and businesses by broadcasting prerecorded songs, projectingprerecordedimages and creating vibrations. This invention is easy to install and use, andis aconvenient method for deterring intruders such as pigeons. It can sensemotions ofintruders then broadcast prerecorded songs such as a dog bark or a human yell;it can alsoproject prerecorded images such as an image of a dog, a cat, a human etc andcreatevibrations so as to deter an intruder. The invention comprises speaker 18,vibrator 20,amplifier 15, projector device 27, motion sensor 16, timer 28, control pad 23and asystem of wiring in connection with a power source. The present invention isadapted foruse in a variety of areas of homes and businesses as deterrence to intruders.It iseconomical, easy to use, and does not require an electrician for installation.