Device for assisting parturition,which device can be used to practise delivery, inbirth training, in delivery, and in post natal and otherrehabilitation, and which comprises a body part (4)and a seat part (5) for the woman in labour. In theseat part (5) there is a cutout (14) for the exit of thebaby. The seat part (5) is connected to the frame part(4), and in the device there are support elements(16-19), which the woman in labour can grip, and onwhich she can lean in various delivery positions. Theseat part (5) is attached to the body (4) in such a waythat the cutout (4) faces away from the body (4) andthe elements for attaching to the body (4) arebetween the body (4) and the seat part (5). The seatpart (5) can be turned laterally relative to the body(4).