1. health status monitoring system and emergency response to his critical condition consists of bracelets pylevlagozaschischennyh pulse control with independent power supplies equipped with warning device by vibration and alarm buttons, which are designed to alert others about the critical state of health or occurrence of emergency directly by the carrier band in case of sudden deterioration of health, fire or burglary, bracelets remove the state data Human pulse with a laser or infrared radiation, which allow to fix the human bloodstream, the information from the bracelet via BLUETOOTH on the radio channel is transmitted for analysis at a base unit, having a continuous and backup power sources, which is also equipped with BLUETOOTH and placed in a room, which uses bracelets data between bracelets and the base unit is carried out through two-way communication with BLUETOOTH periodic testing serviceability systems, battery charge level and quality of communication, databases howling device is programmed depending on the health status of the settings for the carrier band of the critical parameters and the required frequency of lifting a bracelet information about the pulse, the basic unit is equipped with an audio warning system for people who are in these areas, as well as a built-in GSM-module 900/1800 intended for emergency sending SMS-messages to a specific user-defined settings on the base station or through a personal account in the system operator, a mailing list, as well as the Call-n Centralized mobile company,1. Система контроля состояния здоровья и экстренного реагирования на его критическое состояние состоит из пылевлагозащищенных браслетов контроля пульса с автономными источниками питания, оборудованных устройством оповещения с помощью вибрации и тревожными кнопками, которые предназначены для оповещения других людей о критическом состоянии здоровья или возникновения экстренной ситуации непосредственно самим носителем браслета в случае резкого ухудшения со