1. A surgical instrument system, comprising: a housing including a drive rod driven by an engine, said drive rod being driven by an engine, configured to perform a predetermined number of revolutions during starting activation; a first end effector assembly configured to couple to the specified housing and disconnecting from it, and the specified first end effector forms a first launch path having a first launch length, and the specified node of the first end eff the vector contains: the first launch element, made with the possibility of movement along the specified first launch path; a first drive screw configured to be operatively connected to said drive shaft driven by an engine and operably disconnected from said engine, said first drive screw being adapted to engage said first trigger element such that turning said first drive screw causes the first trigger element to move on the specified first starting path, and wherein the specified first drive screw is configured to cause the movement of the first start ovogo element on said first length of starter when said drive rod driven by the engine performs the predetermined number of revolutions; a node of the second end effector, made with the possibility of connection with the specified housing and disconnect from it, and the specified second end effector forms a second trigger path having a second trigger length, and wherein the second trigger1. Система хирургического инструмента, содержащая:корпус, включающий в себя приводной стержень с приводом от двигателя, причем указанный приводной стержень с приводом от двигателя выполнен с возможностью совершения заданного числа оборотов в течение пусковой активации;узел первого концевого эффектора, выполненный с возможностью соединения с указанным корпусом и отсоединения от него, причем указанный первый концевой эффектор образует первую пусковую траекторию, имеющую первую пусковую длину, причем указанный узел первого концевого эффектора содержит:первый пусковой элемент, в