ЛАВОН Гари Дин (US),ХЕНРИЧ Томас (US),НОГАЛЕС Лук (US),СМИТ Кевин Мишель (US)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to disposable absorbing products, such as disposable diapers, intended for people suffering from incontinence. Product contains absorbing assembly, which contains absorbing core and frame, containing water-proof rear sheet and located opposite each other side valves. Each of side valves has extended in longitudinal direction first elastic assembly element, attached on its nearer edge or close to it. Frame also contains second elastic assembly element, attached on side edge of frame or close to it and located between zone of attachment of side barrier and side edge. Frame can also contain first activated structure in front belt area and/or back belt area, perineal region of frame might be non-activated, or, as alternative, contain second activated structure, different from first activated structure. Front and back belt areas are fixed to each other on respective side edges or near them, thus forming opening for waist and two located opposite each other in transversal direction openings for legs. Product contains, at least, one abdominal tightening panel, attached to internal or external frame surface in front or back belt area.EFFECT: group of inventions ensures simplification of disposable absorbing product construction and increase of efficiency of its materials by their activation, as well as circular compressing force around opening for users waist, when frame is stretched on circumference.20 cl, 44 dwgИзобретение относится к абсорбирующим изделиям одноразового пользования, таким как подгузники одноразового пользования, предназначенные для лиц, страдающих недержанием. Изделие содержит абсорбирующую сборку, содержащую абсорбирующую сердцевину, и каркас, содержащий водонепроницаемый тыльный лист и находящиеся друг напротив друга в поперечном направлении боковые клапаны. Каждый из боковых клапанов имеет протяженный в продольном направлении первый эластичный собирающий элемент, прикрепленный по его ближнему краю или рядом