A capsularhexis device comprises a resistive-heating element formed from anelectrically resistive, superelastic wire formed into a loop. A bare surfaceof this loop isapplied to the anterior capsule and electrically heated to define a rhexisboundary, such thata smooth circular or oval capsule portion may be removed. In some embodiments,thesuperelastic wire is formed to include a loop, so that first and second endsof the wire areadjacent to one another and extend away from the loop to form a lead section.Anelectrically insulating material may completely or partly surround the firstand second endsof the wire so that the first and second ends of the superelastic wire areelectricallyseparated. A handle engages at least a portion of the lead section so that theloop-shapedheating element may be moved in and out of the anterior chamber.