The invention relates to medicine, particularly to cardiac surgery and cardiology, and provides a method for the assessment of the state of left ventricle. The method provides for transthoracic echocardiography of heart from parasternal access in short axis at the basal and apical levels and estimation of the rotation angle of the segments of the left ventricle. The method is characterized in that the apical section is visualized distal to papillary muscles and immediately proximal to the section of end-systolic obliteration of the left ventricular cavity. The scanning angle by ultrasonic probe is selected individually for each patient as strictly perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the left ventricle. In such a mode, the shape of the cavity of the cross-section of the ventricle should be round with each segment being visualized completely. After the clear echocardiographic images of cross sections of the left ventricle is obtained, the basal and apical levels of the structure of the left ventricle are divided into six segments. For each segment, the temporal changes of the rotation angle are plotted. The segments with the maximal rotation angle in the systole of the left ventricle are determined. The maximal rotation angle of the left ventricle is calculated as:R= A– Bwherein R– maximal rotation angle of the left ventricle A– maximal rotation angle of the apical division of the left ventricle B– maximal rotation angle of the basal division of the left ventricle. The maximal rotation angle of the left ventricle is compared with the optimal angle of the logarithmic spiral - 20°. The deviation is indicative of the state of myocardium of the left ventricle.Изобретение относится к медицине, в частности к кардиохирургии и кардиологии, и касается способа оценки состояния миокарда левого желудочка, включающего проведение трансторакальной эхокардиографии сердца из парастернального доступа по короткой оси на базальном и апикальном уровнях и определение угла ротации сег