The invention relates to a method for producingindividual dosing quantities (2) of a powdered product(1) by means of a drum dosing device (3). Theindividual masses of multiple ejected dosing quantities(2) are sequentially determined by means of a measuringdevice. A mass mean value is formed therefrom andcompared to a predetermined inner target mass range. Ifthe mass mean value formed is inside the predeterminedinner target mass range, the level of the partialvacuum acting on the dosing opening (7) in the fillingposition (I) remains unchanged, and the above formationof a mass mean value begins from the beginning. If themass mean value formed is outside the predeterminedinner target mass range, an adapted partial vacuum isascertained in such a way that in the case ofexcessively low mass mean value, the level of thepartial vacuum is increased, and in the case ofexcessively high mass mean value, the level of thepartial vacuum is decreased, and the adapted partialvacuum is applied to the dosing opening (7) in thefilling position.