Государственное научное учреждение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт электрификации сельского хозяйства Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук (ГНУ ВИЭСХ Россельхозакадемии) (RU)
Ковалев Дмитрий Александрович (RU),Камайданов Евгений Николаевич (RU)
A device for environmentally safe reprocessing of organic substrates into biogas and fertilizers, consisting of hydraulically connected with a line supplying the initial substrate of the first device mechanical separation, anaerobic bioreactor with immobilized microflora provided with a yield of biogas and effluent, the anaerobic bioreactor to a balanced microflora and second machine mechanical separation, wherein the liquid fraction outputs of the first and second mechanical separation devices are connected to the inlet of the anaerobic bioreactor and with immobilized microflora, and the output of the solid fraction of the first unit of the mechanical separation is connected to the inlet of the anaerobic bioreactor to a balanced microflora provided with heating means, characterized in that it further provides for aerobic bioreactor equipped with an aeration and mixing means, which over the substrate output is connected to the input of the first device mechanical separation, anaerobic bioreactor with immobilized microflora first mechanical separation device arranged within the housing aerobic bioreactor, an anaerobic bioreactor with balanced microflora and second machine mechanical separation are combined in a single housing located under the first device mechanical separation and under anaerobic bioreactor with immobilized microflora, the output of the solid fraction of the first unit mechanical separation fluidly connected with the liquid portion of the second unit of mechanical separation, liquid portion of the second mechanical separation device is connected to the inlet of the anaerobic bioreactor with immobilizedУстройство для экологически безопасной переработки органических субстратов в биогаз и удобрения, состоящее из гидравлически связанных с линией подачи исходного субстрата первого аппарата механического разделения, анаэробного биореактора с иммобилизированной микрофлорой, снабженного выходом по биогазу и эффлюенту, анаэробного биореактора со взвешенной м