The present invention relates to techniques for preparing and storing raw food for canned processing and packaging and represents a possibility of complete equipment for degassing, impregnating with gas or liquid, cooling and debacterizing raw or processed foods. After use of the invention, the storage can be done by temporary refrigeration under a neutral gas and can go to freezing. All operations induce a first elimination of non-sporulated microorganisms, which limits the inoculum that will be found in the products at the time of their canning. The invention allows degassing which is performed after the food has been collected, cut, washed and optionally processed to neutralize enzymatic activity in the food and then cooled, before the products are sterilized or pasteurized. This degassing can be followed by a reinjection of uncondensable neutral gas, such as nitrogen (nitrogen) or carbon dioxide. On the occasion of the reinjection of neutral gas which is in liquid form, a cooling is imposed on the degassed food as a result of the vaporization of the neutral gas projected into the enclosure where the food is confined. This degassing can also be accompanied by a bubbling in a liquid solution which would then impregnate the food and replace the internal empty spaces of food by said solution.La présente invention se rapporte à des techniques de préparation et demise en réserve d'aliments bruts destinés à un traitement et unconditionnement en conserve et représente une possibilité d'équipementcomplet pour dégazer, imprégner de gaz ou de liquide, refroidir etdébactériserdes aliments bruts ou transformés. Après utilisation de l'invention, la miseenréserve peut se faire par réfrigération temporaire sous gaz neutre et peutallerjusqu'à la surgélation. L'ensemble des opérations induit une premièreélimination des microorganismes non sporulés, ce qui limite l'inoculum qu'onretrouvera dans les produits au moment de leur mise en conserve.L'invention