indanyl or tetrahydronaphthyl amino azoline compound, agricultural or veterinary composition, use of an indanyl or tetrahydronaphthyl amino azoline compound, methods for controlling animal pests, to protect crops against attack or infestation by animal pests, for protection of seeds against soil insects, and from roots and sprouts of seedlings against insects, seed, and method and process for the preparation of a composition for treating, controlling, preventing or protecting animals against parasite infestation or infection
INDANIL- OR TETRAIDRONAFTIL-AMINO-AZOLINE COMPOSITION, AGRICULTURAL OR VETERINARY COMPOSITION, USE OF AN INDANIL- OR TETRAIDRON-AFFILIATE-AMINO AZOLINE COMPOSITION, METHODS TO CONTROL ANIMAL PURSES FOR PROTECTION OF CULTURES, Of seeds against soil insects, and roots and buds of seedlings against insects, seed, and method and process for the preparation of a composition for treating, controlling, preventing or protecting animals against infection or parasitic infection. The present invention relates to indanyl or tetrahydronaphthyl amino azoline compounds of formula (I), wherein the variables R1 and R2 are as defined in the description. The invention also relates to methods for controlling or controlling insects, arachnids or nematodes, methods for protecting developing plants against attack or infestation by insects, arachnids or nematodes, methods for protecting seeds against soil insects, and seedling roots and shoots against soil and leaf insects, and methods of treating, controlling, preventing or protecting animals against infestation or parasite infection.COMPOSTO DE INDANIL- OU TETRAIDRONAFTIL-AMINO-AZOLINA, COMPOSIçãO AGRìCOLA OU VETERINáRIA, USO DE UM COMPOSTO DE INDANIL- OU TETRAIDRONAFTIL-AMINO-AZOLINA, MéTODOS PARA CONTROLAR PRAGAS ANIMAIS, PARA PROTEGER CULTURAS CONTRA ATAQUE OU INFESTAçãO POR PRAGAS ANIMAIS, PARA A PROTEçãO DE SEMENTES CONTRA INSETOS DO SOLO, E DE RAìZES E BROTOS DE MUDAS CONTRA INSETOS, SEMENTE, E, MéTODO E PROCESSO PARA A PREPARAçãO DE UMA COMPOSIçãO PARA TRATAR, CONTROLAR, PREVENIR OU PROTEGER ANIMAIS CONTRA INFESTAçãO OU INFECçãO POR PARASITAS. A presente invenção refere-se a compostos de indanil- ou tetraidronaftil-amino-azolina de fórmula (I), sendo que as variáveis R1 e R2 são como definido na descrição. A invenção refere-se também a métodos de combater ou controlar insetos, aracnídeos ou nematódeos, a métodos para proteger plantas em desenvolvimento contra ataque ou infestação por insetos, aracnídeos ou nematódeos, a métodos pa