1. The device (10) for predicting respiratory stability of a patient, including:! a respiratory monitor (18) monitoring the parameters of the patient (12), who receives the respiratory mixture from the mechanical ventilation apparatus (14), the parameters being associated with respiratory stability, and receiving the corresponding patient data; ! a patient data storage device (24) storing patient data (12); ! a model (36) that stores at least one rule that predicts respiratory instability; and! an analyzer (34) associated with a storage device for calculating a patient’s respiratory stability index, wherein the analyzer applies at least one rule to the patient’s data, and this at least one rule is based on a plurality of parameters, which in combination were identified as predicting the patient's respiratory instability, and based on the application of at least one rule, determines an indicator of the patient's respiratory stability. ! 2. The device according to claim 1, in which this at least one rule is based on the obtained patient data for a group of patients, the population is classified according to whether the patients showed respiratory instability. ! 3. The device according to any one of claim 1 or 2, in which the parameters include at least two of the group consisting of:! Median Airway Pressure (MAWP); ! Plateau Pressure (PP); ! Oxygen Saturation Index (SpO2 or SaO2); ! Heart rate (HR); ! Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP); ! Dynamic lung / chest compliance (Cdyn); ! Static1. Устройство (10) прогнозирования респираторной стабильности пациента, включающее в себя: ! монитор (18) дыхания, осуществляющий мониторинг параметров пациента (12), который получает дыхательную смесь от аппарата (14) искусственной вентиляции легких, причем параметры связаны с респираторной стабильностью, и получающий соответствующие данные пациента; ! запоминающее устройство (24) данных пациента, хранящее данные пациента (12); ! модель (36), хранящую, по меньшей мере, одно правило, пр